Born 1990 in Prešov (SK)
Working and living in Bratislava
2010 – 2016 Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Department of Printmaking and Other Media / Diploma/ (SK)
2014 – 2015 Academy of Fine Arts In Łódź/ (PL)
klíčenie / sprouting / WHITE & WEISS GALLERY, Bratislava, Slovakia
thirst for red / performance / The Július Koller Society, Bratislava Slovakia
Neznáma v krajine / Unknown in the country / Tabačka, Košice, Slovakia
History Hustory* / Museum of Self-Care / Queer museum Vienna, Austria
how can we be strangers when we feel the same pain / Arta Pieštany, Slovakia
J. A., ALEXY / Liptovská galéria P. M. Bohúňa / Slovakia
Gardens of my fears and passions / Galeria Jula Bibera / Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Tough and Tender / Gallery Rare/ Bratislava, Slovakia
What is to Modify??? / Detske mestečo Trenčín
Anonyme Zeicher 2022 / Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin
Sensory tales / Galerie Krinzinger / Vienna
Inside flulfy rococo shell / Moon Gallery / Liberec, Czech Republic
Between you and me / Big hall – Prinz Leopold kultur / Ragensburg, Germany
Unseen realities / Pizstory palace / Bratislava (SK)
Interconnection / NBS – Museum of Coins and Medails / Kremnica (SK)
Interconnection / Galeria X / Bratislava (SK)
Forgetting / Gaining ( Zabúdanie / Pribúdanie) / Liptov Museum, Mansion of Parožovce, Pribilina / (SK)
Fragile / Národná banka Slovenska / Bratislava (SK)
Venus (fluidity body/gender) / Artotéka gallery / Bratislava (SK)
Little room of queer loneliness (Teplá izba osamelosti) / Diera do sveta / Liptovský Mikuláš (SK)
Natural Bodies & Organic Genders (Prírody a prírodzenia) / A4 / Bratislava (SK)
2019 Fever of saturday night (Horúčka sobotňajšej noci) / Exhibition in the Art studio / Bratislava (SK)
2018 Behind department (Spoza katedry) / The Gallery of Miloš Alexander Bazovsky / Trenčín (SK)
2018 Youth of Vajnory (Mladá Vajnorská) / Exhibition in the Art studio / Bratislava (SK)
2016 Thoughts (Úvahy) / Baestro / Bratislava (SK)
2016 Diploma fest / The Orava Gallery / Dolny Kubin (SK)
2016 Výstava diplomových prác (Master’s theses Exhibition) / Pizstory palace / Bratislava (SK)
2014 Wall project / Sziget festival / Budapest (HU)
2014 To by som spravil aj ja a lepšie 4 (I’d do that better ) / Theater Elledanse / Bratislava (SK)
2013 2nd International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts / Győr (HU)
2013 2. Artist’s Book Triennal / Turiec gallery / Martin (SK)
2013 Galeria strefa erasmusa Academy of Fine Arts / Łódź (PL)
2012 Graphis Open / Hungarian University of Fine Arts / Budapest (HU)
2009 Betweenplace (Medzipriestory) / Observatory and planetarium / Prešov (SK)
2007 Different ways (Rôzne cesty) / Veritas Gallery / Košice (SK)
2024 ERSTE Foundation Artist-in-Residence Programme at MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
2023. Slovak National Gallery / Schaubmarov mlyn / Slovakia
2021 27' international symposium of art jewelry and other media / Kremnica, Slovakia
2023 FLASH ART #67, 3 – 6/2023, Czech & Slovak Edition
2019 In and Around zine / A4 / Bratislava (SK)
2017 365° art magazin, generation 80+ / 90+ / Slovak National Gallery / Bratislava (SK)
© all images are protected by copyright, all rights are reserved to aliza orlan.